Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love you to zombies.

Another restless night for me. Still waking up at 2:00 am and falling asleep at 5:00 till 8:00. This cannot continue or it will mean my end. The other night I woke up as expected between 2:00 and 3:00 to hear the neighbor dog barking at something pounding at our gate and moaning. Maybe it was the fact that I had just woken up and it was around 3:00 am, but I swear it was the day of the dead. So as I lay in my bead certain of the zombie outside my window, I began to think about how Kathmandu is ideal for zombie infestation. First off: a good percentage of the people of Kathmandu live in fairly congested circumstances, some people already stumble around the streets looking blankly into space, there isn't a single gun store in all of Nepal, and even though pirated western films are very popular here, no one has seen a zombie movie; they wouldn't even know what to do. I was giving a talk with this seventh grade class yesterday and none of them had even heard of a zombie! The only thing this place has going for it is that they cremate their dead.
I am sorry if this subject may seem like rambling, but something has happened here. I don't quite understand but I feel like I could write a million things about a hundred subjects and never run out of ink or enthusiasm. I see everything and I want to talk about it: How the women of Nepal are probably some of the most beautiful I have ever seen, and they don't wear any makeup, the exhaust from the busses and the trash piles on the side of the road, the spitting, the fruit sellers right next to congested traffic, the smiles, everywhere smiles, the swindling, the media, and much more. I feel inspired, much like George Harrison and the "Beatles" when they left for India and came back with "Love you To".

Each day just goes so fast
I turn around, it's past
You don't get time to hang a sign on me

Love me while you can
Before I'm a dead old man

A life time is so short
A new one can't be bought
But what you've got means such a lot to me

Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

There's people standing round
Who'll screw you in the ground
They'll fill you in with all their sins, you'll see

I'll make love to you
If you want me to.

Back in College one of my professors said, "Journalism is not a career or a profession." In that, saying it is a very unofficial title with a very unreliable salary. But then one of my other professors that very same semester said to us, "Journalism is a way of life, it is in the way you think about the world around you. You see someone or something and you want to understand why and tell the world." Maybe I am a journalist. We'll just have to wait and see. Love you and will speak with you soon, Seth.


Anonymous said...

You're such an interesting, gentle person Seth.

Sleep well.


Sally said...

It is so funny that you are thinking about zombies. Just yesterday Weston and I were talking about zombies. He was saying he was worried about them all the time when he was in Europe, because that is where a lot of zombie movies take place. Try to get some sleep. :) Sally

mac said...

MAC is your brother form Indiana..

I love reading your blog. It's very cool, funny and interesting. I enjoy all the small details, and your sense of humor. I was rolling about the zombie thing, especially when you said that they wouldn't even know what to do!

The small details are great to read, it gives me an idea if what it's like there, and a perspective that I could never get from television, or photographs. The small details about the make up and the shower/toilet, and the pirated video, that stuff is gold!

Keep writing brother!

Anonymous said...

A zombie attack always scares me. I just hope that when it happens it is more like the original dawn of the dead and not like 28 days later. I like slow moving dumb zombies not the fast and scary ones. If there is a zombie attack and you are back home you can come and hide at the house with Sally and I, or I guess we could hide in a mall for a while. Stay safe, have fun, and just in case aim for the head.