Friday, December 12, 2008

New photos

I am sorry it took so long but I finally put up some new photos. All of these photos were taken the first two weeks I was here so they have been sitting for some time now. I also apologize that they are so small and that there are none with me in them, next time though. Work is hard, finding new subjects and locations has been very difficult, I hope I will have enough when I come back home. Every day I go out and stroll Kathmandu, looking for new friends as well as old. Sometimes I will sit for an hour or two hanging out and other times it is merely a high and by deal, but every time I see them, a grin shoots across their faces and I am lifted up beyond my exhaustion and heartache and frustration. I love the friends I have made on the streets and it pains me very much to see what they have to deal with, mostly with the adults. The children are given the opportunities needed to pick themselves up from this mess, however the older generation of the streets are labeled as no good thieves and addicts, who can't be trusted and it only be the fool who gives them a chance. The faces of my friends and their difficulties here will be forever left in my mind, always in my thoughts; I just don't know what to do. It will be hard when I come home.
I usually walk the same way through Kathmandu everyday, and thus certain characters have come to recognize me and we say hello every time we pass, (crazy Angie with the cucumber being one of them). But on my walk every day, I pass this security guard; he looks to be about 50 years old, 5'10" with a grey mustache and a nice security cap. Well, one night I was walking home from work and I stop to salute him and say goodnight as usual and then to my surprise and completely unprovoked, he gives me a hug. That afternoon hadn't been a particularly horrible day, but even good days on the street have a tendency to be emotionally overwhelming in one way or another, and this hug fixed all that was broken. I believe it was one of the best hugs I have ever had in my life. He simply hugged me snug and long, not shy about others around us, not letting go until his point was made. He seemed to know all my worries and then just took them away with his care, saying without actually saying, "You are good, this is a lot to deal with, and you won't fail." To those who have finals around now, I wish you the best of luck, to those without finals, I hope all is well. I hope you like the photos, I love you and will talk to you later, Seth.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you. The pictures are interesting, one can only wonder what the life is like there. We are looking forward to seeing more pictures. We're all fine here. Grandma is doing well. She was tired yesterday when we saw her. We want to wish you a Merry Christmas. We love you. Mike and Roxanne

Alissa Carlile said...


I'm sorry we didn't get together before you left. I will make it up to you:)

You are an amazing photographer and person. Wow, what an experience you must be will definitely change your life-for the better. I wish more people could see and experience what you have so they could gain a little more humility and be thankful for what they have instead of what they don't. Anyway, stay strong, and can't wait to see and hear more! Happy Holidays!!!!

Anonymous said...

I noticed some new pictures and really enjoyed them. Keep up the hard work, it shows. Have a great holiday and enjoy what you can.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Seth! Your photos are amazing! Thinking of you every day, hoping you're safe and learning and coming home soon - I know home is still a long way from Mike and the kids and me, but it will be good to know you're back, nonetheless.

Can't wait to see what you sent us!! Hope you have a very merry Christmas. Lots of love from all of us to you!
